What are play to earn games?
November 17, 2021
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January 30, 2022The gamification in the company, is a method through which improves and enhances the interest and motivation, ensuring to a greater extent, the correct learning process. Increasingly, gamification is used in the company as a method for competence improvement, using games and simulations of certain situations.
Therefore, gamification, according to Gabe Zichermann and Cristopher Cunnigham, consists of “a process related to player thinking and game techniques to engage users and solve problems“. If you did not know what gamification is, with this definition you will already be getting an idea of this interesting process.
Applying gaming strategies in non-game contexts, so that people adapt certain behaviors in business is booming, thanks to the fact that this technique improves the involvement of workers, managers or customers.
It is often used in sales, recruitment, customer relations or communication. Take advantage and learn what gamification is so that you can get the most out of this revealing process.
Gamification has become one of the main trends in business management. Here are the benefits of gamification:
Benefits of gamification
- Better interaction and participation
- Better learning of skills and competencies
- It promotes cohesion and coordination
- One of the most relevant benefits of gamification is that it increases customer commitment and loyalty.
- Improved work environment
- Boosting the satisfaction of both staff and customers.
- Improves the company’s reputation
- Optimizes business results
There are several ways to apply it so that you can obtain the benefits of gamification, which we show you below and which we implement in the development of games at Quantic Animation:
- Point accumulation: Assign a quantitative value to the actions or achievements obtained by staff or customers.
- Level escalation: Participants move up levels as they achieve objectives.
- Awarding prizes: Awarding prizes to those who achieve the proposed business objectives.
- Gifts: As they achieve goals, they can be given a gift.
- Rankings: Encouraging the competitive spirit, making rankings among all the participants.
- Challenges: So that they give the best of themselves and are encouraged to achieve a challenge before the rest.
To get the benefits of gamification, you can use these techniques that will motivate participants to get the best results.
Some examples of gamification, which have been used by several Spanish companies, to improve their businesses or build customer loyalty, are the following:
Examples of gamification
Spanish postal company
This is one of the best examples of gamification, it saved 70% of the cost, which would have cost the revision of its website and proposed a game among its employees, they had to locate faults and make concrete proposals for improvement. It gathered more than 50,000 proposals, and in exchange, they offered gifts among all participants.
Domino’s Pizza
An example of gamification of customer loyalty, its purpose, apart from building customer loyalty, was to encourage sales through the creation of its app. A very original way to make customers make greater use of their application and at the same time, increase customer loyalty.
Its objective was to promote the digitalization of its customers, who will get used to use digital media to perform banking transactions, through its app, for this, they did it through a game, the Game BBVA application. An example of gamification of a sector that perhaps we did not expect, but that obtained surprising results.
If you still don’t know what gamification is, we hope that with these tips you will be encouraged to use it in your company to increase productivity, build customer loyalty or encourage employee engagement.
Don’t get left behind and take advantage of the benefits of gamification to take your company to the next level.